Monday, June 4, 2018

Assignment #2: Research relevant past work

Orientation Day 1 - Assignment #2 Guidelines: Research Relevant Past Work

Dive into the Spartan Superway Archive,, and past blogs to find reports, CAD files, and other related research on what has been done for your particular project by past students.

Deliverable: Type a 1- 2 page report noting your findings. Please include the following into your report:

  1. Cover page (Name of project, names of team members, current date, Spartan Superway Logo) 
  2. Description of your project and deliverables. 
  3. Describe past work from student teams that could be used for your project. This can include SJSU and other universities. 
  4. Explain what past works looks useful to your current project. Can you use design features from another project on your current project? 
    1. Please include clickable links to where you found this information 
  5. Describe existing commercial products that could be used for your project. 
    1. Describe how can these commercial products be used within your current project? 
    2. Please include clickable links to where you found this information
Note: *This information will be lightly used in your Lightning Talk.

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